ad hitz




ad hitz

Friday, November 13, 2009

Diamonds are the one of the most valuable stone

Diamonds are the one of the most valuable stone available in the market now. are the allotropes of carbon. When carbon stays underground of millions of years and their atoms are arranged in an isometric-hex octahedral crystal lattice. They are the most stable form of carbon. Because of their high degree of hardness and capacity to disperse light, they are applied in industry and jewelry.

Various diamond mines are found all over the world which includes Australia, North America, Russia, India, Africa, Botswana and Angola. They are the most profitable business and can reap more profit. These mines process the basic ore right from excavation, cleaning, cutting, processing and polishing them. In industries, diamonds are used in cutting process and mostly they are used in jewelry and ornaments in huge volume. They are considered to be as the most precious stones among other ornamental stones. Thus they demand more price in the market.


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