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Friday, November 13, 2009

popular cuts to a diamond

More people than ever before are buying jewelry online and the purchase of diamonds online has grown substantially. Why? Because consumers and businesses are realizes that purchasing online saves a lot of money and still delivers high quality items. Let’s take a look at girl’s best friend: the diamond and princess cut loose diamonds in particular. While there are many popular cuts to a diamond, the princess cut is one of the most popular. By following a few guidelines, you will find that buying princess cut loose diamonds via the Internet can offer you substantial savings and give you those quality diamonds that you are looking for.

Princess Cut Diamond Stud Earrings
A princess cut diamond is that which is cut into a square in such a way as to maximize shine and brilliance. If you are looking for princess cut loose diamonds and are planning to have a this type of diamond set, do keep in mind that the acceptable and proper setting will protect the four pointed corners of the diamond. The reason for this is that if not protected those points are likely to chip. In many cases princess cut and other rectangular or square cuts have cropped corners. The settings should be four pronged settings.
Diamonds will always be treasured and always be valuable. How can you obtain princess cut loose diamonds and know that you have excellent quality and have received a fantastic deal? Just follow these below guidelines.
While this particular cut does not show any diamond flaws as easily as other cuts you will want to keep five elements in mind when purchasing princess cut loose diamonds: carat, color, clarity, cut and certified. Since you probably have already chosen your cut, the princess cut, we can go on to discuss the other elements.

Diamonds are the one of the most valuable stone

Diamonds are the one of the most valuable stone available in the market now. are the allotropes of carbon. When carbon stays underground of millions of years and their atoms are arranged in an isometric-hex octahedral crystal lattice. They are the most stable form of carbon. Because of their high degree of hardness and capacity to disperse light, they are applied in industry and jewelry.

Various diamond mines are found all over the world which includes Australia, North America, Russia, India, Africa, Botswana and Angola. They are the most profitable business and can reap more profit. These mines process the basic ore right from excavation, cleaning, cutting, processing and polishing them. In industries, diamonds are used in cutting process and mostly they are used in jewelry and ornaments in huge volume. They are considered to be as the most precious stones among other ornamental stones. Thus they demand more price in the market.


A sea change appears to be taking place on the international financial markets. For years, global capital flowed in only one direction, with $2 billion going into the United States every day. Investors viewed the world's largest economy not only as a bastion of stability, but also as a place that promised the best deals, the most lucrative returns and the highest growth rates. The Americans, for their part, welcomed foreign investment. For them, it was almost a tradition to save very little and spend more than they earned -- essentially achieving affluence on credit. Foreigners financed the Americans' almost obsessive consumer spending, which spurred worldwide economic growth for years.

If German cars, machinery and services become more expensive, will the German economic recovery end before it has really started? The German government isn't worried yet, at least not officially. Nevertheless, experts in the finance and economics ministries have been keeping a close eye on developments. Although they continue to believe that the changes still fall within the scope of long-term averages, they don't rule out that the situation could worsen.The decline in the dollar also has its advantages. For Germany , the greatest advantage is that Germans pay less for oil. The oil price is mainly set in dollars worldwide. If the dollar declines, the same amount of oil costs Europe fewer euros and the money the Europeans save can be spent on other goods.

A similar dynamic applies to exports from the dollar zone. If the decline in the dollar continues, computers, software licenses and machinery from the United States will become less expensive. Both developments would represent a windfall for companies and people in the euro zone, because the same amount of money would buy more goods.

The perils of a currency crash are not nearly as great as they were in the days of the dollar's absolute dominance 30 or 40 years ago. Globalization has led to the development of a number of growth centers in the world economy which share the burden of turbulence. Gone are the days when an American finance minister could boast: "The dollar is our currency, but it's your problem."

On December 17, 2006 Chinese told the visiting Bush administration officials they intend to dump One TRILLION U.S. Dollars from China 's Currency Reserves and convert those funds into Euros, gold and silver! They will not sit back and lose their shirts as U.S. Dollar collapses; they are getting out fast and large. China told the U.S. delegation they no longer have faith in U.S. Currency for several reasons.

1) The Federal Reserve Bank ceased publishing "M3" data in March, making it nearly impossible for anyone to know how much cash is being printed. China said this act made it impossible to tell how much a Dollar is worth.

2) The U.S. Dollar has lost upwards of thirty percent (30%) of its value against other foreign currencies in the recent past, meaning China has lost almost $300 Billion simply by holding U.S. Dollars in its reserves.

3) The U.S. has no plans whatsoever to reduce deficit spending or ability to pay down any of its existing debt without printing money to pay it off.

For these reasons China has decided to implement an aggressive sell-off of U.S. Dollars before the rest of the world does so. China reportedly told the US delegation; "we are the largest holder of U.S. Currency and if the rest of the world unloads theirs before we unload ours, we will lose our shirts." Early this week, in an unusual move, the Bush administration sent virtually the entire economic "A-team" to visit China for a "strategic economic dialogue" in Beijing Dec. 14 and 15.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Why I decided to get into Online Forex Trading

I decided to get into online Forex trading because of a finance teacher I had when I was a student at Long Beach State University back in 1996. My finance teacher traded currencies on the open market in order to supplement his teachers salary and was making just under $100,000 a year in profit alone.

He taught us a great deal about currency fluctuations and how we can leverage them to make money for the companies we go to work for after college, as well as for ourselves.

These days, online forex trading is a highly attractive marketplace that has a daily volume of $2.5 trillion dollars and recently became the largest investment arena in the world! Now that the market has reached critical mass, there is no better time to invest in the currency market in order to take advantage of the global trends that are occurring.

Perhaps it is time that you too, like the millions of other individual investors who are now forex trading, join this lucrative forex market, which is accessible to anyone in the world, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, from any laptop or computer.

foreign currency

If you have or like to travel, take your laptop with you and you can trade the FOREX anywhere in the world where you have an Internet connection.

When you want to start trading the Forex Market nobody is asking you for a diploma, a formal license or a proof of how many hours you have spent studying the Foreign Exchange Market and/or Banking Industry.

FOREX Trading is Economical and Start-up Costs are Low!
You can open an account to trade Forex with as little as US$ 200 at he most brokerage firms.
I personally do recommend Fenix Capital Management, LLC, which offers a state of art Trading platform, that allows you to place orders directly by clicking on the chart.

The Main Benefits of Trading the FX Spot Market are:

YOU don’t pay commissions or fees!
YOU can trade 24-hours a day !
YOU can trade up to 400:1 Leverage !
YOU can have FREE Streaming executable Price quotes and live charts!

It is important to know the differences between cash FOREX (SPOT FX) and currency futures.

In currency futures, the contract size is predetermined.

With FOREX (SPOT FX), you may trade electronically any desired amount, up to $10 Million USD.

The futures market closes at the end of the business day (similar to the stock market).If important data is released overseas while the U.S. futures markets is closed, the next day’s opening might sustain large gaps with potential for large losses if thedirection of the move is against your position.

The Spot FOREX market runs continuously on a 24-hour basis from 7:00 am New Zealand time Monday morning to 5:00 pm New York Time Friday evening.

Dealers in every major FX trading center (Sydney, Tokyo, Hong Kong/Singapore, London, Geneva and New York/Toronto) ensure a smooth transaction as liquidity migrates from one time zone to the next.

Furthermore, currency futures trade in non-USD denominated currency amounts only, whereas in spot FOREX, an investor can trade in almost any currency denomination, or in the more conventionally quoted USD amounts.

The currency futures pit, even during Regular IMM (International Money Market) hours suffers from sporadic lulls in liquidity and constant price gaps.

The spot FOREX market offers constant liquidity and market depth much more consistently than Futures.

With IMM futures one is limited in the currency pairs he can trade. Most currency futures are traded only versus the USD.

With spot FOREX, you may trade foreign currencies vs. USD or vs. each other on a ‘cross’ basis, for example: EUR/JPY, GBP/JPY, CHF/JPY, EUR/GBP and AUD/NZD

More and more well informed investor and entrepreneurs are diversifying their traditional investments like stocks, bonds & commodities with foreign currency because of the following reasons

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Appreciation An increase in the value of a currency.
Ask The price requested by the trader. This usually indicates the lowest price a seller will accept.
Base currency The currency that the investor buys or sells (i.e. EUR in EURUSD).
Bear Someone who believes prices are heading down. A bear market is one in which there has been a sustained fall in prices and which does not look like it will recover quickly.
Bid The price offered by the trader. This usually indicates the highest price a purchaser will pay.
Bid/Ask The Bid rate is the rate at which you can sell. The Ask (or offer) rate is the rate at which you can buy.
Bull Someone who is optimistic about the market. A bull market is characterised by enthusiastic and sustained buying.
cross When trading with currencies, the investor buys one currency with another. These two currencies form the cross: for example, EURUSD.
Cross rate An exchange rate that is calculated from two other exchange rates.
Depreciation/decline A fall in the value of a currency.
Exchange rate What one currency is worth in terms of another, for example the Australian dollar might be worth 58 US cents or 70 yen.

Currencies traded freely on foreign-exchange markets have a spot rate (applying to trades settled “spot”, i.e., two working days hence) and a forward rate. Countries can determine their exchange rates in a variety of ways.
1. A floating exchange rate system where the currency finds its own level in the market.
2. A crawling or flexible peg system which is a combination of an officially fixed rate and frequent small adjustments which in theory work against a build-up of speculation about a revaluation or devaluation.
3. A fixed exchange-rate system where the value of the currency is set by the government and/or the central bank.
EURUSD Means that you trade EUR against dollars. If you buy euro you pay in dollars and if you sell euro you receive dollars.
FX, Forex, Foreign Exchange All names for the transaction of one currency for another, e.g. you buy GBP 100.00 with USD 150.25 or sell USD 150.25 for GBP 100.00.
Interbank Short-term (often overnight) borrowing and lending between banks, as distinct from a banks business with their corporate clients or other financial institutions.
Interest rate differential The yield spread between two otherwise comparable debt instruments denominated in different currencies.
Leverage (gearing) The investor only funds part of the amount traded.
Long To buy.
Long position A position that increases its value if market prices increase.
Liquid (-ity) The capacity to be converted easily and with minimum loss into cash. A liquid market is one in which there is enough activity to satisfy both buyers and sellers. Ultra-short-dated treasury notes are an example of a liquid investment.
Margin The deposit required when entering into a position as well as to hold an open position. Your margin status can be monitored in the Account Summary.
NYSE The New York Stock Exchange.
Open position A position in a currency that has not yet been offset. For example, if you have bought 100,000 USDJPY, you have an open position in USDJPY until you offset it by selling 100,000 USDJPY, thus “closing” the position.
Over the counter When trading takes place directly between two parties, rather than on an exchange. Over the counter trades can be customised whereas exchange-traded products are often standardised.
Pips A pip is the smallest unit by which a Forex cross price quote changes. So if EURUSD bid is now quoted at 0.9767 and it moves up 2 pips, it will be quoted at 0.9769.
Position Traders talk of “taking a position” which simply means buying or selling currency cross. “Position” can also refer to a trader's cash/securities/currencies balance, whether he or she is short of cash, has money to lend, is overbought or oversold in a currency, etc.
Risk Trying to control outcomes to a known or predictable range of gains or losses. Risk management involves several steps which begin with a sound understanding of one's business and the exposures or risks that have to be covered to protect the value of that business. Then an assessment should be made of the types of variables that can affect the business and how best to protect against unwelcome outcomes. Consideration must also be given to the preferred risk profile – whether one is risk – averse or fairly aggressive in approach. This also involves deciding which instruments to use to manage risk and whether a natural hedge exists that can be used. Once undertaken, a risk-management strategy should be continually assessed for effectiveness and cost.
Secondary currency (variable currency or counter currency) The currency that the investor trades the base currency against (i.e. USD in EURUSD).
Short position A position that benefits from a decline in market prices.
Short To sell.
Speculative Buying and selling in the hope of making a profit, rather than doing so for some fundamental business-related need.
Spot A Spot rate is the current market price of an asset.
Spot market The part of the market calling for spot settlement of transactions. The precise meaning of “spot” will depend on local custom for a commodity, security or currency. In the UK, US and Australian foreign-exchange markets, “spot” means delivery two working days hence.
Spread The difference between the bid and the ask rate.


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